Talk:Charcoal Substitutes

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Interesting article. Just wonder why one should use substitutes for charcoal, which is readily available or easily produced at home. The KNO3-C-S system has some welcome properties, which are not always accomplished by charcoal substitutes, e.g. when saccharose is used the mix usually becomes hygroscopic. Flashpowder,are you german by the way? --AdmiralDonSnider 00:41, 11 April 2010 (EST)

Thanks, I find this also very interesting from the viewpoint of chemistry; see how different burning speeds comps 1 and 5 have, just for sulfur. I do not know how practical these comps are, but I see them worth experimenting. There seems to be other patents on the processing of phenolphthalein substitute. Also there seems to be KNO3+ascorbic patent. I'll add links some time. --User:Flashpowder 21:19, 11 April 2010 (GMT)

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